In Noyabrsk the plane was rolled out of limits of a landing strip

In Noyabrsk the plane was rolled out of limits of a landing strip
On August 28 2012 approximately at 15 o'clock 20 minutes local time the Belavia airline TU-154М plane, following the flight "Gomel-Noyabrsk", when landing at city airport of Noyabrsk after run on a runway made congress on soil. Onboard the aircraft there were 152 passengers and 11 crew members. As a result of incident anybody from being onboard passengers and crew members didn't suffer. On this fact investigating authorities of the Ural investigatory management on transport of Investigatory committee of the Russian Federation carry out pre-investigation check.

Poll of crew members is at present complete, is inspected a scene. Passengers among whom 9 juvenile children, in regular a mode are sent by office bus of the Belorusneft company.

As the priority version of incident the consequence considers technical malfunction of hydrosystem of the aircraft. The events directed on establishment of all circumstances of an event are held. Based on the results of testing the procedural decision will be made.

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