In New Urengoy the plane under abnormal condition landed

In New Urengoy the plane under abnormal condition landed
Past Friday all services of emergency reaction of New Urengoy were pulled together in the city airport. This time the alarm was not educational, but quite real. During performance of the next flight on approach to «the gas capital» Yamal at one of passenger planes glass burst.

State of emergency happened with belonging to Yamal airline by the jet Bombardier CRJ200 plane which was carrying out additional flight on a route «Tyumen – New Urengoy». During flight in a cabin of pilots one of glasses burst. The commander of the aircraft immediately informed about happened the airport. As damage of glass can lead to salon depressurization, at the airport the emergency situation was declared. By the time of landing a board all emergency services met.

Despite the burst glass, landing passed a regular mode, threat for life of passengers and crew members wasn't. Medical care was necessary for nobody.

Investigation of state of emergency is under the authority of the Ural transport prosecutor's office. According to the preliminary version, to damage of glass led sharp pressure differences and temperatures.

According to the experts, similar incidents in the sky not a rarity.

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