In Tyumen of villages under abnormal condition AN-24

In Tyumen of villages under abnormal condition AN-24
Yesterday, on February, 2rd, at 14.57 at airport "Roshino" has made a crash landing plane AN-24 flying from Tarko-fat to Tyumen. As Natalia Bondarenko has informed the assistant to the Tyumen transport public prosecutor, the engine failure became the landing reason.

Onboard there were 3 crewmen and 14 passengers in which number there was a small child. Anybody from the people who were in the plane has not suffered.

Because of what the engine has come to malfunction while it is not known. It it is necessary to find out the commissions. Now check upon a crash landing is conducted. According to Natalia Bondarenko, experts will make the definitive conclusion approximately in a month. The plane belongs to airline "Yamal".

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