Ferry communication of Labytnangi - Salekhard to come to the end after November 2
The crossing will work till this Friday and if weather conditions, and allow more long. Thus the right of primary journey will receive the transport transporting skoroportyashchy products from railway station of the city of Labytnangi. On a crossing Salekhard - Labytnangi will be reported about closing of movement of ferries in addition.
In Labytnangakh the friend lost the car with a gun in a luggage carrier
the Man argued that the unknown person made stealing of "Field" belonging to it in which luggage carrier, in defiance of equipment of storage of firearms, there was a fowling piece and cartridges. On the eve of disappearance the car took to drive his friend who couldn't remember next day where it left.
In Salekhard passed traditional Council of heads
At a meeting were present members of the Government of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, heads of territories, the main federal inspector across the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. At the beginning of meeting the head of the region addressed to heads of municipalities and designated tasks on the near future.
On Yamal Days of a science and innovations began
In the Cultural business center of the capital of Yamal opened an exhibition «Scientific and innovative development of the Tomsk region» on which development in the field of information technologies, petrogas production, medicine, construction and housing and communal services, ecology and environmental protection and other branches is presented.
Season of intellectual games in Noyabrsk
In «Dvoretsa of youth» will gather again students of the city, fans of intellectual competitions. Children should play already known intellectual game "Brain ring". The desire to take part in game already was shown by teams of students from URFA: "Boss" and "Eureka", "Favourite", teams of TYuMGU and November institute of oil and gas.
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