Ferry communication of Labytnangi - Salekhard to come to the end after November 2

Ferry communication of Labytnangi - Salekhard to come to the end after November 2
It it was declared at meeting in administration of the district capital. According to the Head of department of transport of department of transport and a road economy of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug of Anatoly Ivanov, the ferry will work till this Friday and if weather conditions, and allow more long.

Thus the right of primary journey will receive the transport transporting skoroportyashchy products from railway station of the city of Labytnangi. It is necessary in order that in inter-season period when the ferry is already closed, and amphibious hovercrafts don't go yet, show-windows of Salekhard shops didn't become empty, and businessmen didn't have a temptation to trade in delay.

On a crossing Salekhard - Labytnangi will be reported about closing of movement of ferries in addition.

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