Russian Post let out brands to Nord Stream project end

The Russian Post and the Gazprom company carried out ceremony of special clearing of the post block devoted to completion of construction of the Nord Stream gas pipeline.
The Head of Presidential Administration of Russia Sergey Ivanov, the Chairman of the board and the Vice-chairman of Board of directors of JSC Gazprom Alexey Miller, the Chairman of committee of shareholders of Nord Stream AG Gerhard Schröder and the Managing director of Nord Stream AG Matthias Warnig took part in action.

The post block is let out by circulation of 85 thousand copies. On brand the photo from a building site of the Nord Stream gas pipeline, the truboukladochny vessel Castoro Sei is represented. On fields of the post block – a project symbol – A.Meller's picture "Ekaterina I" (1712). This portrait is written to Greifswald (Germany): exactly here the Nord Stream gas pipeline is laid.
The Russian participants of ceremony of clearing Sergey Ivanov and Alexey Miller especially noted that the initiative of creation of the unique gas pipeline on a bottom of the Baltic Sea belongs to the President of Russia Vladimir Putin who on all extent of construction paid huge attention to the project.
The chairman of committee of shareholders of Nord Stream AG Gerhard Schröder declared that the Nord Stream project is an example effective cooperation and trust between EU and Russia.
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