Yamal remembers and is proud of Vadim Dmitriyevich Bovanenko

On October 23 on Yamal the event really grandiose scale took place. On the peninsula of Yamal the Bovanenkovsky oil-gas condensate field opened is placed on October 7, 1971 in operation. The field is located in a northwest part of the peninsula of Yamal, in 40 km to the east from the coast of the Kara Sea and is unique on the revealed stocks of hydrocarbonic raw materials. Today taken stocks of hydrocarbonic raw materials make: gas – 4,9 trillion cubic meter, oil – 5,7 million tons, condensate – 111,7 million tons. This one of the largest fields of Yamal is called Vadim Dmitriyevich Bovanenko's name – talented, purposeful geophysics, the chief of Yamalneftegazrazvedka trust, the inventor of the overland seismoprospecting check one of the first organizers of complex systematic studying of a subsoil of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug thanks to which now this northern region dynamically develops. Its opening of Urengoysky, Gubkinsky, Polar, Novoportovsky, Tazovsky fields well-known for the whole world, its noble causes are entered in history of the autonomous region, in history of Russia, in history of world geology.
Personally to greet builders of this unique complex, all gazodobytchik who will work on a field, on the peninsula there arrived the Governor of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug Dmitry Kobylkin.
The meeting of the Governor with the wife of legendary person Vadim Dmitriyevich Bovanenko in honor of whom the field is called, - Silvia Matveevna Leonidova was the first meeting which took place in the morning. Silvia Matveevna who now on pension also lives in Moscow, arrived on Bovanenkovo by Dmitry Kobylkin's personal invitation which on behalf of all yamalets wished it kind health and long years. «Memory of Vadim Dmitriyevich is live. Yamal is proud of "relationship" with this surprising person», - the Governor of Yamal told, solemnly handing over in gift for long memory hours with region symbolics.
In turn Silvia Matveevna especially noted comfortable conditions in which gazodobytchik will work. When her spouse from Salekhard went to expeditions on the peninsula, such conditions and it was impossible to present.
Sergey Menshikov – the general director of JSC Gazprom dobycha Nadym who is present at this meeting, assured the spouse of the legendary pioneer of the Yamal subsoil of that, as from now on worthy living conditions and works of gas workers will be for the company in a priority.
Let's note that the same day Dmitry Kobylkin carried out some more meetings – with the head "Gazprom dobycha Nadym" Sergey Menshikov and with the management of the Siberian office of the Russian Academy of Sciences on which questions of further cooperation of a science and the regional power were discussed.
On the festive events devoted to commissioning of the Bovanenkovsky oil-gas condensate field, also there were the Chairman of the board of JSC Gazprom Alexey Miller, heads of the Vologda area and the Komi Republic, the general director "Gazprom dobycha Nadym" Sergey Menshikov, employees of a complex. Among invited to ceremony there was also Alexander Endekovich Kim – the owner of the diploma of the pioneer of Bovanenkovsky NGKM.
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