The governor of the district held a meeting with madam Renata Polverini and the senator to Zhezara Kursi

Governor of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug Dmitry Kobylkin and general Managing director of Concern «Eni S. of the item. And» (Italy) Paolo Skaroni signed the document fixing social and economic cooperation of the parties.
The memorandum of mutual understanding between the Government of the autonomous region and the Italian oil and gas concern contains the basic principles of partnership. The document already called strategic, representing model of long-term investments and solutions of social and economic character in interests of local community in regions of presence of the company in the territory of the Russian Federation.
In the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug «Eni S. of the item. And» works since spring of 2007. For the first time the Concern began implementation of the oil and gas project in Russia on a field Samburgsky.
Now the company plans to participate in development of many social projects of the region. In the official statement of Concern it is said that the company plans to finish oil production level to 200 barrels a day by 2019.
Signing of the Memorandum took place in the friendly atmosphere. The parties exchanged gifts. In particular, Dmitry Kobylkin presented Paolo Skaroni a traditional Yamal souvenir of work of the master to Yadn – a figurine from a bone.
The same day the Governor of the district held a working meeting with the Governor of the region of Lazio madam Renata Polverini and an official meeting with the senator to Zhezara Kursi – the chairman of the commission of the senate of Italy on the industry, trade and to tourism. Speech at a meeting, in particular, went about development of travel business in the Arctic territory.
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