Between Murmansk area and YANAO the agreement is signed

Between Murmansk area and YANAO the agreement is signed
The authorities of Murmansk area and Yamal-Nenets autonomous region are interested in interaction in trade and economic, scientific and technical, social, cultural and other spheres.

The cooperation agreement was signed by the governor of Murmansk area Dmitry Dmitrienko and head YANAO Dmitry Kobylkin.

The document is signed with a view of development of mutual relations on a stable and long-term basis, considering developed traditions of cooperation in various spheres of social and public life. Two subjects of the Russian Federation have similar problems in the conditions of a geographical arrangement – both are a part of the Arctic zone.

Agreement basis - the expansion of mutually advantageous cooperation directed on the further development of economy, improvement of an investment climate, creation of favorable conditions for the decision of the basic social problems of Yamal-Nenets autonomous region and Murmansk area.

The agreement contains articles about cooperation in sphere of trade and economic and social development, preservation of the environment and ecological safety, information technology and communication, a science and culture.

«Russia - the big country, and good-neighbourhood between regions positively affect development of economic, cultural and social communications. We are connected by an accessory to the North, therefore close cooperation will help to struggle most effectively with the general difficulties», - the governor of Murmansk area Dmitry Dmitrienko has told.

It is remarkable that the cooperation agreement between Murmansk area and YANAO is signed for the first time and will operate till 2016.

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