Yamal will develop cooperation with the Tobolsko-Tyumen diocese.
Last night, on November, 22nd, in Salekhard the Governor of Yamal-Nenets autonomous region Dmitry Kobylkin and the archbishop Tobolsk and Tyumen Dimitry have signed the Cooperation agreement between Government JANAO and management of the Tobolsko-Tyumen diocese of Russian Orthodox Church.
As the head of the Arctic region hasn'ted, last years cooperation of the state structures and the religious organizations of Russian Orthodox Church became more active. «I consider it necessary for revival and development of cultural-historical continuity and increase of spiritual culture of the population», - the Governor of district hasn'ted.
On Yamal the big educational work is spent, new temples revive and under construction, Sunday orthodox schools work, ямальцы successfully participate in orthodox festivals and competitions.
Dmitry Kobylkin has congratulated the archbishop of Tobolsk and Tyumen Dimitrija on the 20 anniversary of management by a diocese. «This significant event and in your life, and in life of parishioners as they see real results of your noble service», - wasn'ted by the head of region and has wished the archbishop of the further successes in business of preservation of the best traditions of Russian Orthodox Church, spiritual preceptorship, world and consent strengthening in a society.
In turn the archbishop Tobolsk and Tyumen Dimitry, having thanked for a congratulation, has underlined that the Agreement will promote improvement of spiritual and moral conditions in a society and has expressed confidence that joint efforts of the power of autonomous region and the Tobolsko-Tyumen diocese will serve for the good of people.
Let's notice that the Cooperation agreement has been signed with a view of realization of the agreement on the social partnership, the current year signed in April the plenipotentiary of the President of Russia in Uralsk federal district Nikolay Vinnichenko and Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia Cyril.
Joint projects within the limits of the given document will be directed on strengthening of moral, family and patriotic values, spiritually-moral formation and education, charity development, preservation of objects of a cultural heritage.
After signing of the Agreement the Governor of autonomous region Dmitry Kobylkin and the archbishop Tobolsk and Tyumen Dimitry have answered questions of journalists.
Let's add that today archbishop Dimitry has held service in a temple of Sacred apostles Peter and Pavel, has met teachers of district capital.
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