Jury Neyelov has held a meeting with the archbishop Tobolsk and Tyumen Dimitriem

Yesterday, on March, 15th, the Governor of Yamal Jury Neyelov has held a meeting with the archbishop Tobolsk and Tyumen Dimitriem. At a meeting in which the prior of Salekhard orthodox arrival иерей Alex has taken part also, there was a speech about building of a new orthodox temple in Salekhard – capital of Yamal-Nenets autonomous region. Archbishop Dimitry, addressing to the head of region, has noticed that since 1991 when it the first time has visited Salekhard, there were dramatic changes: «… for your period of service the big tests had, this period was difficult, but very successful. More and more people began to address to God, and the new temple» is required to Salekhard. The governor of Yamal has promised to the lord to render all assistance in this good business.

Let's remind, the current temple of sacred apostles Peter and Pavel has been transferred believing in 1991. This temple one of the oldest in the Russian North, operating from the end of a XIX-th century till 1930 of last century.

The head of region always gave particular attention to questions the world and the consent in district where, as it is known, there live representatives more than 100 nationalities and nationalities. Under Jury Neyelov's invitation the Yamal edge was visited the Patriarch Moscow and Vseja of Russia Alex II and the Supreme mufti, the chairman of the Central Spiritual management of Moslems of Russia by Talgat Tadzhiddin.

Today in district 13 orthodox temples operate. Building of temples in Tazovsky area, Aksarke and New Urengoe is planned and is already begun. Among philanthropists collectives of the large oil and gas extraction enterprises, the building organisations and simple inhabitants – all to whom the care of spirituality, morals, preservation of traditions is not indifferent. Erection of temples on the Far North is a result of salutary changes in public consciousness. Experts notice that building of a temple not only changes to the best external shape of settlement, - more moral, high-grade and spiritualised there is also a life. First of all it is appreciable there where parishioners persistently are engaged in affairs of mercy, charities, spiritual education, show care of patriotic education of youth. In this respect important effective interaction with public authorities and local government. Thanks to accurately verified, socially-focused position of Administration JANAO, personally Governor Jury Neyelov on Yamal all necessary preconditions for such meaningful dialogue are created taking into account the requirement of the legislation of the Russian Federation.

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