Jury Neyelov has visited a new hostel for the Yamal students of the Tyumen high schools

Yesterday, on March, 11th, the Governor of Yamal Jury Neyelov has visited a new hostel for the Yamal students of the Tyumen high schools which is constructed in Tyumen.

Nine-floor building in the centre of capital of the Tyumen region, at institutes and which universities children and girls from cities and settlements of Yamal-Nenets autonomous region study, is constructed on means of the interregional program "Cooperation" with participation of Oil and gas university. On erection of this socially significant object it has been directed 250 million roubles.

210 yamalmens, not only from Petrogas, but also from other high schools of Tyumen, become owners of brand new rooms in the beginning of new academic year – in September, 2010.

Governors Jury Neyelov and Vladimir Yakushev during excursion on a hostel could get acquainted with conditions of residing of the future new settlers. Designers and builders have provided, that a conditions of life for students was as much as possible comfortable. In a hostel of 98 light spacious rooms with qualitative furniture and electric stoves that, certainly, will be estimated by tenants. Besides, students can work in a computer class and in an exercise room which already are completely ready for operation. Will be in a hostel and buffet where it will be possible to buy the most necessary to a table.

Jury Neyelov, communicating with journalists, has noticed that commissioning of the house for students-jamaltsev considers symbolical for a Year of the teacher: «… March Only has begun, and we on Yamal have already opened four new schools, and today we look readiness of a new hostel for our young fellow countrymen». Also the governor of Yamal has told to journalists about remarkable event which has occurred yesterday in Salekhard. Under the recommendation of the head of region in a Year of the teacher in the new house in the centre of capital of Yamal of apartment of one entrance have been completely transferred families of teachers. 12 families of teachers which lived earlier in demountable habitation, have received on March, 11th keys from new 1-2-3 and 4 room apartments. On turn today 13 more families of teachers. Jury Vasilevich has noticed that all of them will be provided by habitation by the end of this year, – in Salekhard in IV quarter the apartment house where these teachers will celebrate house warming will be put in operation.

As to hostels for the Yamal students we will remind that they have one more native – Yamal – the house in St.-Petersburg. The 14-storeyed building at the underground the Kirov factory, named the Center of the Yamal youth, works the third year. About three hundred northerners who have arrived from At - and the Polar region in Northern capital behind knowledge and recent in the Center, sincerely are proud of the hostel. In rooms – convenient furniture, per capita, a refrigerator, the Internet, long-distance phone, cable TV... By the way, this unique building in Petersburg where on a satellite communication accept a signal of a district broadcasting company "Yamal-region". So from the native earth students are provided by news. In Center conference halls meetings are held and holidays, in the same place pass serious meetings of student councils, heads of floors, a public organisation staff «Students of Yamal», uniting all yamalmens, trained in Petersburg, and their all about two thousand.

The governor of Yamal always focuses attention that the district youth should feel care of the small Native land that students should not distract from study by cares and household problems.

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