Jury Neyelov has congratulated the Nobel winner Jores Alfyorov

Jury Neyelov has congratulated the Nobel winner Jores Alfyorov
Yesterday the birthday was marked by Nobel prize winner Jores Ivanovich Alfyorov. With Yamal the Nobel winner is connected by long-term constructive relations. We will remind, on December, 13th, 2006 during official visit to St.-Petersburg the Governor of Yamal-Nenets autonomous region Jury Neyelov and the Nobel prize winner academician Jores Alfyorov have signed the Memorandum «About participation in preservation of historical records of languages of the people of the North arhive the Pushkin house» between Yamal-Nenets autonomous region and the St.-Petersburg centre of science of the Russian Academy of Sciences. In 2008 the Regional fund of development of Yamal has allocated 15 million roubles for financing of works on creation sound депозитария. Means have been allocated for the equipment, technologies and the special software to translate in figure unique collections arhive. In May, 2009 opening National electronic sound has taken place.

The Nobel winner there were exceptional children of Yamal.

In the congratulation the Governor of Yamal Jury Neyelov has noted: «Not everyone can brag of achievements with which your life, with unforgettable meetings and such fidelity to business is rich. You by right belong to a galaxy of people of the high sincere and professional maintenance.

It is assured, you for ever keep love to a native land, pride of result of the long-term work which is visible and claimed by people in the heart, on advantage is estimated by the state and the world community ».

On behalf of all ямальцев Jury Neyelov has wished Jores Alfyorov the long and fruitful life full of health and optimism. «Let the special feeling of flight will be inherent in all your plans, and their realisation is accompanied always by good luck», - the head of the Arctic edge has underlined.

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