Jury Neyelov has congratulated ямальцев on a holiday on February, 23rd

Jury Neyelov has congratulated ямальцев on a holiday on February, 23rd
Governor JANAO Jury Neyelov has congratulated inhabitants of district on Day of the defender of Fatherland.

"There is no on light above a debt, the to protect the Native land, the house, the family therefore so this holiday is esteemed. This day we traditionally celebrate all real men, true patriots, for which civic duty, honour, courage, fidelity to the Native land — sacred concepts. Special words of a congratulation to veterans of the Great Patriotic War, the who the unprecedented feat, self-denying work approached the Great Victory, which 65 anniversary we we will mark this year.

From the bottom of the heart I wish defenders of Fatherland of all generations of health, and happiness, the world and well-being, vital optimism and confidence of tomorrow ", — the head of Yamal has noted in the congratulation.

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