In capital of Yamal have signed the document on cooperation between YANAO and NAO.

In capital of Yamal have signed the document on cooperation between YANAO and NAO.
On November, 9th, in Salekhard the Governor of Yamal Dmitry Kobylkin and the Governor of Nenets autonomous region Igor Fedorov have signed the Report of actions for realization of the Agreement on trade and economic, scientific and technical and cultural cooperation between regions.

The plan for 2010-2013 includes a significant amount of actions, in particular, in the field of trade and economic cooperation of the party will cooperate concerning social and economic development and creation of a favorable investment climate. Autonomous regions will cooperate in questions of working out and realization of the joint projects directed on economic development of communities of the radical people. In an education sphere training of teachers with a view of preservation of Nenets language will be organized, joint school competitions and the Olympic Games on languages and the literature of the people of the North etc. will be held tours of creative collectives, exhibitions, youth forums, festivals will be organized Also. Besides, it is supposed to develop cooperation concerning population social protection, in sphere fundamental and applied science. The parties will exchange experience on questions experts in the field of prirodno-resource regulation, concerning an estimation of the most perspective power saving up technologies and to possibilities of their application. In sphere of public health services of the party will share operating time in the field of telemedicine development. Also will have development cooperation in tourist sphere, in agrarian and industrial complex sphere, in the field of protection of the population and territories, in sphere of transport, etc.

After signing of the Report Governors have answered questions of journalists of Yamal-Nenets and Nenets autonomous regions.

Let's notice that today, on November, 10th, the delegation of Nenets autonomous region will visit a prirodno-ethnographic complex open-air in settlement Gornoknjazevsk. Visitors from Naryan-Mar plan to look at conditions for playing sports in the Ice palace of Salekhard, to familiarize with possibilities of carrying out of scale actions in Cultural-business center and to visit unique expositions of the main Yamal museum – Muzejno-expocenter of Shemanovsky.

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