The governor of Yamal plans to take part in conference of judges of joint-stock company.

Tomorrow, on April, 7th, the Governor of Yamal Dmitry Kobylkin plans to take part in work of conference of judges of Yamal-Nenets autonomous region. Delegates – representatives of Court of Yamal-Nenets autonomous region, Arbitration court JANAO, city and district courts, world judges – will discuss a wide range of questions. In the conference summons: results of an activity of the courts of the general jurisdiction, Arbitration court, reports on work of Judicial council and qualifying board of judges. The new structure of Judicial council, qualifying board of judges, delegates on congress of Judges of the Russian Federation, the candidate for Judicial council of the Russian Federation will be selected.

The chairman of Legislative Assembly JANAO Sergey Harjuchi, the main federal inspector also are invited to conference on JANAO Alexander Kaliberda, the head of department of Judicial department at the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation on JANAO Konstantin Koshkin, the director of department for maintenance of activity of world judges of district of Roman Pikun.

On April, 8th the seminar-meeting of judges on which participants will discuss problems of consideration criminal and civil cases will take place. In second half of day will pass meeting of chairmen regional and city courts and world judges, and also session of presidium of court of Yamal-Nenets autonomous region.

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