Exhibition «Small and medium business of Yamal» in New Urengoy

Exhibition «Small and medium business of Yamal» in New Urengoy
In New Urengoy on October 26 there will begin the work the VII regional exhibition «Small and medium business of Yamal».

Action is carried out with a view of assistance to advance of the goods and region services on the Russian market, definition of the perspective directions of cooperation between producers and consumers, and also with a view of adjustment of cooperation and interregional communications and is directed on demonstration of tendencies of development of enterprise capacity of the region.

It is supposed that participation in an exhibition will be accepted by about 60 representatives of small and medium business from all municipalities of Yamal-Nenets and Hanty-Mansiysky autonomous regions, and also from Sverdlovsk, Kurgan areas. Sphere of their activity the most various: fuel and energy and agroindustrial complexes, construction, tourism, public catering etc.

For participants and guests of an exhibition the saturated program will be organized. First of all, competition on a rank of the winner of an exhibition on the nominations will take place:
«The best display at the exhibition»;
«The national businessman»;
«The best display exhibit»;
«Ms. Small business 2012»;
"Most tasty";
«Success 2012»;
"Hands of gold";
«The best START»;
«The best creative»;
«The best Know-how».

Competition of producers of foodstuff, water and drinks in the nominations is also provided:
«The best producer of fish production»;
«The best producer of meat production»;
«The best producer of dairy production»;
«The best producer of water»;
«The best producer of soft drinks».

The culinary duel with definition of winners in the nominations should give to action sharpnesses:
«The best producer of confectionery»;
«The best producer of bakery products»;
«The best enterprise of a public catering».

One more competition – in the field of construction, housing and communal services, a woodworking, production of furniture, shod products. Here applicants will compete in the nominations:
«The best producer of construction materials»;
«The best producer of construction designs»;
«The best producer of the equipment and materials for housing and communal services»;
«The best production of a woodworking»;
«The best producer of furniture»;
«The best producer of shod products».

The special competitive commission will define winners in the branch nominations.

Besides, in the program – work of business platforms. The invited experts will carry out business trainings and master classes on subjects «Creation of competitive advantages. Leaving methods from the competition and increase in profit», «Manipulations in negotiations. How to read the person on external signs», «School of the beginning businessman».

Also within action meeting of the working group on coordination of the actions directed on support of small and average business of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, and a seminar concerning interaction and regulation of activity of subjects of small and average business by supervising and fiscal authorities will take place.

On solemn of a closing ceremony exhibitions on October 28 will take place summarizing and rewarding of winners of competitions.

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