In New Urengoe the fantastic festival has come to the end

The seventh fantastic festival «JA-is small, greetings!» Has come to the end in New Urengoe.

As informs information-analytical management of the mayoralty, within six festival days on a theatrical scene of cultural-sports centre "Gazodobytchik" actors of collectives from Moscow, Ekaterinburg, Saratov, Zelenograd, and also the USA and Bulgaria have played 11 performances. Also the Japanese producer and art director Hisashi Shimojama became the participant of festival this year.

Except statements, in the festival program there were master classes from the Moscow theatrical artist Victor Shilkrota, the Japanese producer Hisashi Shimojama, etc., a round table, creative laboratory on dramatic art for children, the international information club «Children. Theatre. Festival. Today and tomorrow».

New Urengoj became a place of carrying out of the international festival not casually, unique on Yamal the professional theatre «Northern scene» here works.

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