In Labytnangakh the friend lost the car with a gun in a luggage carrier

In Labytnangakh the friend lost the car with a gun in a luggage carrier
At the beginning of last week in the city of Labytnangi on alarm all crews of police on duty were lifted. About the statement for loss of the car the local addressed. The man argued that the unknown person made stealing of "Field" belonging to it in which luggage carrier, in defiance of equipment of storage of firearms, there was a fowling piece and cartridges.

With words of the owner of a vsedorozhnik, on the eve of disappearance the car took to drive his friend who couldn't remember next day where it left. Independent searches of results didn't give, and the man decided to address in police.

To find the stolen car to guards it was possible only days later after receipt of the statement for loss. Vsedorozhnik was found in a ditch on Labytnangi Highway - October. At the moment of detection the car in literal sense was groundless in several centimeters from a water edge. The concrete plate and a piece of a metal pipe which represented itself as a support rescued from revolution in a ditch and serious damages of the driver and the car.

At the moment inspectors find out, how "Field" appeared in so interesting situation and who was at a wheel at the moment of failure.

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