Yamal Iri waits for the demand for gifts
Mail of Russia expands geography of seasonal service «the Congratulation from Father Frost». From the main New Year's character now it is possible to please with gifts the family not only in Russia, but also in Belarus, Kazakhstan, Ukraine and Germany.
Demand for gifts from Father Frost shows stable growth. This year Mail has completely updated and has expanded assortment of New Year's surprises. Except the traditional letter from Father Frost, Mail of Russia offers 12 various variants of gifts – from sets of toys and books to computer and board games. They will be interesting to children of different age, and some – will please all family. Cost of a gift with a congratulation from Father Frost - from 480 to 1000 roubles depending on the chosen set and delivery region. The letter from Father Frost costs 120 roubles on Russia and 200 roubles – at sending abroad.
Care of all clients, even the smallest, – a priority line of activity of Mail of Russia. Annually efforts of the post operator more than 250 000 children receive unusual gifts and personal congratulations from Father Frost.
Ямальские почтовики принимают участие во Всероссийской конференции работников почтовой связи
На открывшейся на днях в Москве Второй Всероссийской конференции работников почтовой связи собрались 1,5 тысячи работников предприятия со всей страны, в том числе руководство Ямало–Ненецкого филиала Почты России и начальники почтамтов округа.
В центре внимания - основополагающие вопросы: место и роль российской почтовой отрасли в экономике, стратегические инициативы в свете перспективного изменения почтового законодательства и акционирования федерального почтового оператора, а также пути построения эффективного взаимодействия с органами государственной власти.
Отвечая на вызов времени и ожидания потребителей, предприятие продолжит модернизацию и внедрение инновационных решений. Реконструкция сети отделений по всей России, оптимизация логистических схем, внедрение передовых технологий и инновационных сервисов - вот основные направления в развитии национального почтового оператора на сегодняшний день. Такую позицию озвучил генеральный директор ФГУП "Почта России" Александр Киселев в рамках Всероссийской конференции работников почтовой связи.
Yamal postmen take part in the All-Russia conference of workers of a mail service
At the Second All-Russia conference which have opened one of these days in Moscow of workers of a mail service 1,5 thousand workers of the enterprise from all country, including a management of Jamalo – Nenets branch of Mail of Russia and chiefs of post offices of district have gathered.
In the attention center - basic questions: a place and a role of the Russian post branch in economy, strategic initiatives in the light of perspective change of the post legislation the federal post operator, and also a way of construction of effective interaction with public authorities.
Answering a call of time and expectation of consumers, the enterprise will continue modernization and introduction of innovative decisions. Reconstruction of a network of branches across all Russia, optimization of logistical schemes, introduction of high technologies and innovative services - here the basic directions in development of the national post operator for today. Such position was sounded by general director ФГУП "Mail of Russia" Alexander Kiselyov within the limits of the All-Russia conference of workers of a mail service.
In New Urengoe there was a crash landing of the lit up plane
In New Urengoe there was a crash landing of the lit up planeToday, on October, 14th, 2011, approximately at 11 o'clock 50 minutes local time in city airport of New Urengoja the passenger plane TU-134 belonging to airline "Yamal" has crash-landed. Aboard there were 67 passengers and 7 crewmen. In a few minutes to a scene firemen, police and the first help have left. At 12 o'clock 01 minute evacuation of people has passed safely in city airport New Urengoj. In connection with the occurred failure employees of New Urengojsky investigatory division of the Ural investigatory management on transport of Investigatory committee of the Russian Federation have left on a scene for finding-out of circumstances.
According to preliminary data, the plane the message «New Urengoj-Salehard» has made a departure from city airport of New Urengoja at 11 o'clock 40 minutes local time. Later 10 minutes after launch there was a malfunction of the left engine, not excepting ignition to what traces закопчения testify. Shortly before incident passengers of the aircraft heard a clap in salon of the plane, the press-service of the Ural investigatory management on transport of Investigatory committee informs
В Новом Уренгое произошла аварийная посадка загоревшегося самолета
В Новом Уренгое произошла аварийная посадка загоревшегося самолетаСегодня, 14 октября 2011 года, примерно в 11 часов 50 минут по местному времени в аэропорту города Нового Уренгоя совершил аварийную посадку пассажирский самолёт ТУ-134, принадлежащий авиакомпании «Ямал». На борту самолета находилось 67 пассажиров и 7 членов экипажа. В считанные минуты к месту происшествия выехали пожарные, полиция и скорая медицинская помощь. В 12 часов 01 минуту эвакуация людей прошла благополучно в аэропорт города Новый Уренгой.
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