Jury Neyelov has congratulated the Nobel winner Jores Alfyorov
Jury Neyelov has congratulated the Nobel winner Jores AlfyorovYesterday the birthday was marked by Nobel prize winner Jores Ivanovich Alfyorov. With Yamal the Nobel winner is connected by long-term constructive relations. We will remind, on December, 13th, 2006 during official visit to St.-Petersburg the Governor of Yamal-Nenets autonomous region Jury Neyelov and the Nobel prize winner academician Jores Alfyorov have signed the Memorandum «About participation in preservation of historical records of languages of the people of the North arhive the Pushkin house» between Yamal-Nenets autonomous region and the St.-Petersburg centre of science of the Russian Academy of Sciences. In 2008 the Regional fund of development of Yamal has allocated 15 million roubles for financing of works on creation sound депозитария. Means have been allocated for the equipment, technologies and the special software to translate in figure unique collections arhive. In May, 2009 opening National electronic sound has taken place.
Jury Neyelov has held a meeting with the archbishop Tobolsk and Tyumen Dimitriem
Yesterday, on March, 15th, the Governor of Yamal Jury Neyelov has held a meeting with the archbishop Tobolsk and Tyumen Dimitriem. At a meeting in which the prior of Salekhard orthodox arrival иерей Alex has taken part also, there was a speech about building of a new orthodox temple in Salekhard – capital of Yamal-Nenets autonomous region. Archbishop Dimitry, addressing to the head of region, has noticed that since 1991 when it the first time has visited Salekhard, there were dramatic changes: «… for your period of service the big tests had, this period was difficult, but very successful. More and more people began to address to God, and the new temple» is required to Salekhard. The governor of Yamal has promised to the lord to render all assistance in this good business.
At firing in the Yamal cafe two persons were lost
On Yamal upon firing criminal case is raised in cafe Tarko-fat therefore two persons were lost.
On March, 13th, 2010 in one of cafe Tarko-Sale there was a conflict between two companies. Fight has outgrown in fight on knifes with shooting.
Kobylkin prepares for inauguration
Kobylkin prepares for inauguration Today, on March, 16th, at 12 o'clock in the Congress centre of Salekhard there will pass solemn ceremony of the introduction into a post of the governor of Yamal Dmitry Kobylkina. Aaccording to preliminary data, 700 persons among whom will be the Ural plenipotentiary Nikolay Vinnichenko, governors of the regions entering in UrFo, representatives of public authorities of subjects of the Russian Federation, federal officials, heads of municipal unions, deputies of the State Duma, councillors of Federation, deputies of regional parliaments, businessmen and others are invited to inauguration nearby.
Labytnangi, elections-2010
On 16-00 on Labytnangi 37,34 % of voters have voted. The most active, still, are the inhabitants voting in school and school of arts. Here has voted more than 40 % of voters. Among lagging behind — a site №18 located at the first school. As a whole across Yamal 45,4 % of voters on 16-00 have voted.
Are summed up the Yamal competition «Our cinema».
In department of culture of Yamal-Nenets autonomous region are summed up III district competition of school compositions «Our cinema» by which theme in 2010 has been declared – «the Best domestic films on products of national and literary fairy tales». The founder of competition was the district department of culture. The competition purpose – propagation and popularisation of domestic cinema among schoolboys, formation of spiritually-moral bases and patriotism at rising generation of inhabitants of autonomous region.
Yamal has joined the All-Russia action «Soldier's scarf»
Yamal has joined the All-Russia action «Soldier's scarf»Yamal has joined the All-Russia action «Soldier's scarf». This action — a tribute of memory, respect soldiers and grief on victims in the Great Patriotic War.
For the first time action has passed in 2004. The initiator — the teacher of history from Moscow, he has suggested schoolboys to embroider names of participants of the Great Patriotic War on pieces of a fabric. Then for a history Museum have collected more than thirteen thousand such scarfs.
The militiaman is condemned for beating of the invalid
The court of Tazovsky area has sentenced the inspector of traffic police to three years of imprisonment conditionally for beating of the invalid, has informed the senior assistant to chief of the department SKP the Russian Federation on JANAO on communications with mass-media Larissa Eropkina, without having specified adjudgment date.
On Yamal competition on the best condition of conditions and a labour safety among the municipal organisations will take place.
Review-competition in two nominations – «the Collective agreement – a basis of labour relations» and «Without traumas and failures» will be spent. The organisation of its carrying out is carried out by department on work and social protection of population JANAO.
Jury Neyelov has visited a new hostel for the Yamal students of the Tyumen high schools
Yesterday, on March, 11th, the Governor of Yamal Jury Neyelov has visited a new hostel for the Yamal students of the Tyumen high schools which is constructed in Tyumen.
Nine-floor building in the centre of capital of the Tyumen region, at institutes and which universities children and girls from cities and settlements of Yamal-Nenets autonomous region study, is constructed on means of the interregional program "Cooperation" with participation of Oil and gas university. On erection of this socially significant object it has been directed 250 million roubles.
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