On Yamal competition on the best condition of conditions and a labour safety among the municipal organisations will take place.

Review-competition in two nominations – «the Collective agreement – a basis of labour relations» and «Without traumas and failures» will be spent. The organisation of its carrying out is carried out by department on work and social protection of population JANAO.

The municipal organisations, wishing to take part in competition, should direct till September, 15th to the authorised local government a package of documents. The list of establishments on each nomination will be presented to department on work and соцзащите the district population. Review-competition results will be brought till December, 10th, 2010. The winners who have occupied prize-winning places, will be awarded by diplomas and monetary awards.

By its problems are defined increase of interest of heads of the municipal organisations in maintenance of safe working conditions, activization of activity of employers on maintenance of healthy and safe working conditions of workers, perfection of social partnership in the decision of questions of a labour safety, etc.

Let's add that competition is organised with a view of realisation of the basic directions of a state policy in the field of a labour safety according to the Labour code of the Russian Federation, the departmental target program «Improvement of conditions and a labour safety in organisations JANAO» for 2009-2010 ». The corresponding decision is signed by the Governor of Yamal Jury Neyelov.

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