In the Zodiac the labytnangsky youth met in the dens-batl
With a great success I passed a flash mob in Zodiak cafe club the Dans Mix festival Guests of a festival — representatives of the Salekhard youth Center led by Vladimir Bobin — can be a striking example of following to all these purposes. The head of administration of the city Oleg Cherevko and the deputy head Marina Treskova came to support youth.
In New port the house burned down
Firefighters evacuated 89 people, including 21 children. As of 20 hours 50 minutes (Moscow time) fire extended on all roof of the house on the area of 150 square meters. Fire damaged the house on all area. As a result of a fire of victims and victims isn't present. Residents of the house are temporarily placed in Recreation center.
"Rescuing people, we rescue themselves"
Dmitry Kobylkin took part in a charitable telemarathon. The telemarathon was devoted to results of Year of a narodosberezheniye, and fund raising in Yamine Fund for the children needing urgent treatment became its main goal. Within four hours on air there were plots about those children who already managed to be helped by means of Fund and those to whom there is a chance to help now.
Emercom of Russia controls a condition of ice crossings
If in other subjects ice crossings only prepare for opening, on Yamal five crossings are already accepted in operation. The ice road through the river Ob between the cities of Salekhard and Labytnangi – the most extended, with a big transport stream – belongs to crossings of the first category to which the most rigid requirements in respect of safety are imposed.
Business trips on the cities of Yamal
The deputy governor of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Area Alexey Bulayev held exit meetings in Nadym, Krasnoselkup, Noyabrsk and Novy Urengoy. In the attention center – questions of prevention of offenses and providing a public order. Representatives of territorial bodies of federal executive authorities, heads of local governments took part in work of exit meetings.
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