In the Zodiac the labytnangsky youth met in the dens-batl
With a great success I passed a flash mob in Zodiak cafe club the Dans Mix festival organized by department of affairs of youth of the City administration of Labytnangi.
As the head of department Elena Krieger noted, action pursued at once some aims: healthy lifestyle promotion, development of youth subcultures in the city, deepening of intermunicipal cooperation of Salekhard and Labytnangi in the sphere of youth policy, support of voluntary initiatives.
Guests of a festival — representatives of the Salekhard youth Center led by Vladimir Bobin — can be a striking example of following to all these purposes. In the Center voluntary free work is carried out with children on development of the directions of subcultures most interesting to modern youth: rap, breakdance, beatboxing, Street Dance. Residents of Salekhard showed possession of all these directions to the new labytnangsky friends.
And these friends it appeared much: one and a half hundred! Were among them and those who made the worthy competition to guests, having successfully acted with a rap of own composition: Zhenya Zhilin, Alexey Shklyar, Vladislav Izmaylov, Stas Pavlovsky, Andrey Vlasov. Positive emotional heat at a festival was very high, confirming idea of organizers of action that interesting leisure serves as effective alternative to pastime hazardous to health in the alcohol and tobacco company. Besides, to services of children there was completely nonalcoholic bar.
Elena Krieger thanked all citizens who actively cooperate with department of youth affairs. For example, the director of Zodiak cafe club is ready and to provide further the room on a gratuitous basis for carrying out actions for youth. Helped to organize a festival and to create rather relaxed, festive atmosphere local DJs Nick and Smith conducting MS Andrey, and also Artyom Afanasyev and Oksana Valiyeva. Employees of OMVD of Russia till Labytnangi accurately coped with the task of protection of a public order.
The head of administration of the city Oleg Cherevko and the deputy head Marina Treskova came to support youth. The meeting took place in an informal situation on very positive wave. Oleg Leonidovich warmly greeted participants of a festival:
"Today here gathered those whom it is possible to call by the future of the city of Labytnangi and Yamal safely! In your hands — tomorrow of Russia to answer you present calls, to make discoveries and dared to go forward, without being afraid to make mistakes and rejoicing to victories which, I trust, will be much on your course of life! You are young, and in it is your force and our hope! Dare, create, dream and achieve dream for the benefit of the favourite city, the district, the country! Happiness to you, good luck and new fulfillments! "
Further the department of affairs of youth plans to develop actively activities for the most interesting to young people and actual today, in a threshold of Yamal declared by the Governor of Year of civil unity, to the directions. First, in the city movement KVN will revive. Secondly, on the basis of department the patriotic club which will unite the children consisting on different types of the preventive account is created. Thirdly, charity support becomes one of the main reference points of work of department of affairs of youth. Elena Krieger invited everyone to join the volunteer movement "Mercy":
"All of us are young, healthy and we are able to enjoy life, so, to help with our forces to those who needs it" .
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