On Yamal will create youth authority
C the first working days of new year on Yamal work on formation of structure of youth authority has begun. From January, 10th till February, 22nd in district will pass competition in which can take part young yamalpeoples at the age from 18 till 30 years, inform in the press-service of governor YANAO.
Eight most talented and active young men, ready to direct the potential on the decision of social and economic problems of Yamal become winners of competition.
Eight most talented and active young men, ready to direct the potential on the decision of social and economic problems of Yamal become winners of competition.
In Labytnangah suggest to forbid alcohol sale
This theme has been taken out for public discussion at a forum of an official site of the City administration. Townsmen suggest to forbid sale of alcoholic production on distance of 300-500 m from educational institutions, to leave alcohol only in specialized shops, and etc.
On Council Told about alcohol sale the population, about blanks in youth education, about imperfection of the legislation.
On Council Told about alcohol sale the population, about blanks in youth education, about imperfection of the legislation.
Yamal "Water-nymph" on encyclopedia pages
The Gubkinsky kindergarten "Water-nymph" under the direction of Tamaras Tkachenkos will be included in a heading encyclopedia "Russian education" «Exceptional children – the future of Russia». The Kindergarten became the owner of the Grant of the Mayor Gubkinsky in a nomination «Best preschool educational institution» twice. This year to children's educational institution 15 years were executed.
In New Urengoe will pass superiority on boxing
On the basis of Yamal-Nenets district detsko-youthful sports school of boxing in New Urengoe starts superiority of Yamal on boxing. Superiority is spent among young men and girls of 1996-1997 of a birth. Commands will take part in competitions from Noyabrsk New Urengoja, Tarko-fat, Labytnangi, Muravlenko, Gubkinsky, Nadym and settlement Jagelnyj of Nadym area.
The head of administration of Labytnangi declared the resignation
At total hardware meeting head of administration Sergey Karasev declared the resignation in connection with transition to other place of work. Summing up the activity as the head of administration, Sergey Viktorovich has told: «We managed to provide city balanced development, to correct a financial condition after crisis, to begin scale housing and road building, to involve in a city additional financial resources, to confirm the optimistical budget the next year».
Rope-way through Ob as alternative to the bridge
The first deputy of the governor of Yamal Evgenie Miskevich has told about creation of a pendant passenger rope-way through Ob which building was declared recently by the head of region Dmitry Kobylkin. Now offers on building of such road are on consideration in department of transport and road economy YANAO, predesign calculations are carried out.
The Yamal Father Frost invites in the workshop
On December, 24th in Salekhard, in the District center of national cultures for children and adults the Workshop Yamal Iri »will open«. In the action program: acquaintance to photo-exhibition Yamal Iri, an exhibition of the Yamal souvenir, carrying out of master classes on manufacturing of a New Year's toy and many other things.
Sergey Fesikov has proved a solvency on "short" water
Russian national team on swimming in the come to the end European championship on short water in the Polish city of Szczecin has taken the fifth place in offset.
Оne of leaders of Russian national team became Sergey Fesikov who has won a gold medal and a title of the Champion of Europe 2011, on a short distance 100м freestyle. Besides, people became the silver prize-winner on a distance 50м freestyle.
Оne of leaders of Russian national team became Sergey Fesikov who has won a gold medal and a title of the Champion of Europe 2011, on a short distance 100м freestyle. Besides, people became the silver prize-winner on a distance 50м freestyle.
- • КриминалВ Губкинском ученик выстрелил из пневматического пистолета• ТранспортАвиакомпания «Ямал» вдвое увеличила норму бесплатного провоза багажа для участников СВО• ТранспортОсенью запустят новые пункты весогабаритного контроля• ТранспортЯмальцы экономят на авиапутешествиях с картой «Морошка»
- • ОбразованиеСтудентам из кочевых семей компенсируют обучение в вузе• ОбразованиеШкольников Ямала ждут на образовательном интенсиве по программированию• КультураПри поддержке Ямала на побережье Черного моря отдохнут дети из ДНР• КультураМуравленко, Губкинский и Тарко-Сале отмечают Дни городов
- • Новость одной строкойДмитрий Артюхов встретился с участниками юбилейного форума «Российский Север»• Новость одной строкойНа Ямале внедряют систему «Умный перекресток»• Новость одной строкойПоликлиника в Пурпе получит новые возможности благодаря масштабной модернизации• Новость одной строкойДмитрий Артюхов вручил северянкам медали «Материнская слава Ямала»• Новость одной строкойСлужба занятости населения со следующего года запустит проект по комплексному подбору кадров• Новость одной строкойСергей Климентьев и Любовь Таскаева обсудили помощь военнослужащим и их родным• Новость одной строкойПочти 47 тонн макулатуры собрали ямальцы в рамках всероссийской акции «БумБатл»• Новость одной строкойУже в следующем году пройти МРТ северяне смогут во всех ямальских городах• Новость одной строкойМолодежь Нового Уренгоя будет изготавливать на 3D-принтерах детали для дронов
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