On Yamal air temperature skips, it is necessary to relax
Abnormal weather, strong frosts and gale-force wind, rage on the most part of Europe and in the Far East Russia. The basic available housing in district – wooden and shabby, and are warmed, basically ovens and heaters. As a result of infringement of rules of the device and operation of an electric equipment from the beginning of 2012 in district there was 21 fire.
In Labytnangah candidates to the place of city-menezhdera are defined
Three persons apply for the post of city-menezhdera in Labytnangah. Contest for vacancy of the head of administration will take place on February, 17th. The commission should check up the documents presented by applicants for conformity to qualifying requirements, to make the decision on the admission of contestants to the second stage and during interview to define the most worthy to head a power executive office.
In the first half of the year 2012 will settle 18 emergency houses
The planned clearing under a pulling down 18 houses will be spent within the limits of realization of the long-term target program "Dwelling" and the municipal target program «Resettlement of citizens from shabby and emergency available housing». Also projects of decisions of the municipal duma, directed on definition of an order of maintenance by habitation of citizens in YANAO and granting of social payments to the young families needing premises are considered.
Between Salekhard and Labytnangami modernize a ferry
During reconstruction expansion existing, their asphalting, replacement of barriers, installation of video registrars and external illumination is planned. Last year the ferry became for the first time free for passengers and automobile transport. Now we prepare the technical project on design and exploration work.
About safety on winter road Yamal
In territory of Yamal of an order 23 winter road, 11 of which the municipal annually function. At check-points municipal winter road 25 points of heating are organized and 12 more operate on technological winter road. Heating points are equipped by communication, the saving equipment. There people can be warmed, receive hot drink, the first medical aid.
In Nadym volunteers will train in fire skill
In the first half of the year 2012 in the Nadym educational center of a fire service will be trained more than 70 persons of voluntary fire protection. For this purpose teachers of the center will go to municipal unions and to spend theoretical and a practical training on the basis of local fire divisions.
In Noyabrsk "Pilgrim" has celebrated the anniversary
In a past week-end teenage club "Pilgrim" has celebrated the anniversary. In warm and almost house conditions friends have gathered to congratulate favourite club on the 10 anniversary. Forces of pupils and visitors for all gathered had been organized a celebratory concert. Congratulations from friends were accepted by pupils of club and teachers-organizers Tatyana Kostin and Evgenie Pankratov.
In Salekhard there will pass an exhibition of live tropical butterflies
Inhabitants of Salekhard and city visitors can see an exposition of live tropical butterflies of the countries of South East Asia, Africa, Australia, Southern and Central America and to make an unforgettable photo. Butterflies don't breed out of a native habitat, so, they had to overcome huge distance to give to visitors pleasure of the, by nature, short life.
In Labytnangah have discussed V.Putin's article
«Behind each concrete project there should be an understanding, how many new workplaces it will bring Russia as it will change quality of employment so — and quality of life of people». Discussion left far for frameworks of economic problems. Highly skilled experts: both young shots, and the skilled professionals raising the skill, are responsible for preservation beyond Yamal of the status of key Arctic territory.
The card of 501st building "Nadym-Salekhard" is presented to Portugal
The cultural biennial devoted to design and architecture, is spent in Lisbon since 1999. In 2011 the two-meter card of objects of building has been presented to Portugal 501 with photos. The exhibition has been organized by the Ministry of culture and the Ministry of Economics and innovations of Portugal under home nursing of the president of Portugal.
- • КриминалВ Губкинском ученик выстрелил из пневматического пистолета• ТранспортАвиакомпания «Ямал» вдвое увеличила норму бесплатного провоза багажа для участников СВО• ТранспортОсенью запустят новые пункты весогабаритного контроля• ТранспортЯмальцы экономят на авиапутешествиях с картой «Морошка»
- • ОбразованиеСтудентам из кочевых семей компенсируют обучение в вузе• ОбразованиеШкольников Ямала ждут на образовательном интенсиве по программированию• КультураПри поддержке Ямала на побережье Черного моря отдохнут дети из ДНР• КультураМуравленко, Губкинский и Тарко-Сале отмечают Дни городов
- • Новость одной строкойДмитрий Артюхов встретился с участниками юбилейного форума «Российский Север»• Новость одной строкойНа Ямале внедряют систему «Умный перекресток»• Новость одной строкойПоликлиника в Пурпе получит новые возможности благодаря масштабной модернизации• Новость одной строкойДмитрий Артюхов вручил северянкам медали «Материнская слава Ямала»• Новость одной строкойСлужба занятости населения со следующего года запустит проект по комплексному подбору кадров• Новость одной строкойСергей Климентьев и Любовь Таскаева обсудили помощь военнослужащим и их родным• Новость одной строкойПочти 47 тонн макулатуры собрали ямальцы в рамках всероссийской акции «БумБатл»• Новость одной строкойУже в следующем году пройти МРТ северяне смогут во всех ямальских городах• Новость одной строкойМолодежь Нового Уренгоя будет изготавливать на 3D-принтерах детали для дронов
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