On Yamal air temperature skips, it is necessary to relax

On Yamal air temperature skips, it is necessary to relax
Abnormal weather, strong frosts and gale-force wind, rage on the most part of Europe and in the Far East Russia. At us on Yamal the temperature changes from such variable that it is not necessary to relax too. The basic available housing in district – wooden and shabby, and are warmed, basically ovens and heaters. As a result of infringement of rules of the device and operation of an electric equipment from the beginning of 2012 in district there was 21 fire on which one person was lost, for a cause of defect of furnaces or infringements of rules of their operation has occurred 6 fires which were lost, fortunately, isn't present.

In this connection Central administrative board MCHS of Russia on YANAO reminds key rules of fire safety at using electrodevices and operation of furnaces.

Fires from electric devices arise in case of a network overload powerful consumers, at incorrect installation or decay of electric systems, at using faulty electrodevices them without supervision.

The Basic safety measures and fire prevention rules at operation of electric devices are simple:
- Heating devices can be established only on nonflammable supports from nonflammable materials;
- It is not necessary to leave the included devices without supervision;
- It is dangerous to use self-made heating devices.

It is absolutely inadmissible:
- To replace fused fusible inserts in safety locks with bunches of a wire and to apply faulty products (switches, sockets, protection devices);
- To fasten wires in knots, to connect them скруткой, to stick with wall-paper and to close elements of combustible furnish;
- To use as lighting electroconducting telephone and radio-wires;
- To leave children without supervision in a room with the included electrodevices.

In houses with oven heating often the furnace, to be exact its operation with infringement of fire prevention rules becomes a cause of the fire. Fires result from furnaces, occurrence in a bricklaying of cracks, as a result of application for a kindling of combustible and inflammable liquids, loss from a fire chamber or an ashpit of burning coals more often.

For durable and safe operation of oven heating it is necessary to remember following requirements: furnaces and other heating devices should have fire-prevention cutting from combustible designs, and also sheet in the size 0,5х0,7 meters on wooden to a floor or a floor from other combustible materials.

Most often fires occur, when furnaces leave during a fire chamber without supervision. In strong frosts of the furnace quite often heat long time therefore occurs separate parts of the furnace. If these parts adjoin to wooden walls or furniture the fire is inevitable. Therefore it is recommended to heat the furnace 2-3 times a day for 1-1,5 hours, rather than once long time. Near to furnaces and directly on their surface it is impossible to store combustible property or materials, to dry linen. Is inadmissible to apply at a furnace kindling inflammable and combustible liquids. Before the cold season beginning it is necessary to check up serviceability of the furnace and a flue, to repair and clean soot, to close up cracks a glinjano-sandy solution, to whitewash a chimney on an attic or a roof and above a roof. Follows not less often than an once in three months to clear of a congestion of soot flues of room furnaces, and cookers, boiler – isn't more rare than an once in a month.

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