In Labytnangi the special fire-prevention mode is entered

In Labytnangi the special fire-prevention mode is entered
The special fire-prevention mode is entered in Labytnangi. The reason — growth of ignitions.

As the city administration press-service informs, only for last two months in municipality there were 20 fires that almost twice more than for the similar period of last year.

With round-the-clock stay of people it is already recommended to heads of establishments to spend off-schedule instructing, trainings, checks of systems of fire-prevention protection. On special control sale of pyrotechnic products is put, punishments for infringement of fire-prevention rules are toughened.

Let's note, from the beginning of year in Labytnangi there were 85 fires, was lost four persons, 5 persons are injured. The damage has made more than ten millions roubles.

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