Safety of people on polling districts

Safety of people on polling districts
One of the basic directions of works on preparation for elections is safety of people on polling districts. Now in Salekhard the department of supervising activity on МО Salekhard spends off-schedule checks of polling districts about observance of requirements of fire safety and readiness for forthcoming presidential elections of the Russian Federation which will take place on March, 4th, 2012.

The purpose which employees of department of supervising activity pursue, this revealing on polling districts and the further elimination by heads of objects of the infringements creating threat of occurrence of a fire. At carrying out of checks the special attention addresses for work of systems of automatic fire-prevention protection and the notification, a condition of ways of evacuation and absence of obstacles in spare emergency exits. Also employees of the Ministry of Emergency Measures pay attention to presence and serviceability of primary fire extinguishing means, systems of an external and internal fire-prevention waterpipe, and also plans of evacuation of people for a case of occurrence of a fire. Representatives of supervising activity without fail spend fire-prevention instructing with members and chairmen of election committees.

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