On Yamal the minimum wage rate is increased
The established minimum wage rate includes a salary of the worker taking into account regional factor and in the full size of the earned percentage extra charge, surcharges and extra charges of compensatory character, including for work in the conditions deviating from normal, of surcharges and extra charges of stimulating character, awards and other incentive payments provided by system of payment, the compensatory payments provided by the district legislation.
In Labytnangah suggest to build open ice skating rinks
At a forum of an official site all interested persons can state the offers on organization possibility in this or that court yard of an open skating rink. Here already more than two months the undertaken efforts the open skating rink first in a city in microdistrict Obsky quite justifies. In good weather here always it is a lot of children, and interest to skating doesn't decrease.
Resettlement from regions of the Far North
The fund of housing construction of Yamal-Nenets autonomous region for two weeks has accepted 1 445 statements from the citizens, wishing to become participants of the program «Resettlement from regions of the Far North». That the participant of the program it is necessary to become constant to live on Yamal and not to have habitation in other regions of Russia. Also, the applicant for participation in the program shouldn't receive earlier any social payments on improvement of living conditions.
In New Urengoy at carrying out of civil work about 10 floors the worker has broken
The construction superintendent of civil engineering firm, without having provided safe performance of works on the building object located in a city New Urengoy, has directed the worker to carry out works on a site where there were no protections. In the course of work has stumbled and has fallen about 10 floors of an under construction building to a frozen ground. The man has received multiple fractures of bones of a body.
The governor of Yamal has handed over a cup to winners of competitions of reindeer breeders
In Nadym bright picturesque original competitions of reindeer breeders on a cup of the governor of Yamal have come to the end. Following the results of the second day of competitions in ski relay race to finish of the first command MOP "the Panaevsky", second place has come representatives of settlement Harp have occupied. Sportsmen of the first command from Tazovsky area became the third. Dmitry Kobylkin has handed over awards to prize-winners of competitions.
The Yamal parent capital – a new measure of support
The Yamal large families can use a new measure of social support, the regional parent capital. Its size makes 350 thousand roubles. In region the women who given birth or have adopted the third child or subsequent children, and the men who are unique adoptive fathers of the third child or subsequent children since January, 1st, 2011 have the right to reception of the parent capital.
Roads of Yamal prepare for spring high waters
Highways of Yamal-Nenets autonomous region, including bridges, prepare for spring high waters. The railway too prepares for a spring high water. Work on protection of railroad tracks against washouts and destructions is planned. In the plan actions opening from snow of ditches and ditches, formation of reserve structures with rubble for liquidation of washouts and floodings, and also personnel training is planned.
- • КриминалВ Губкинском ученик выстрелил из пневматического пистолета• ТранспортАвиакомпания «Ямал» вдвое увеличила норму бесплатного провоза багажа для участников СВО• ТранспортОсенью запустят новые пункты весогабаритного контроля• ТранспортЯмальцы экономят на авиапутешествиях с картой «Морошка»
- • ОбразованиеСтудентам из кочевых семей компенсируют обучение в вузе• ОбразованиеШкольников Ямала ждут на образовательном интенсиве по программированию• КультураПри поддержке Ямала на побережье Черного моря отдохнут дети из ДНР• КультураМуравленко, Губкинский и Тарко-Сале отмечают Дни городов
- • Новость одной строкойДмитрий Артюхов встретился с участниками юбилейного форума «Российский Север»• Новость одной строкойНа Ямале внедряют систему «Умный перекресток»• Новость одной строкойПоликлиника в Пурпе получит новые возможности благодаря масштабной модернизации• Новость одной строкойДмитрий Артюхов вручил северянкам медали «Материнская слава Ямала»• Новость одной строкойСлужба занятости населения со следующего года запустит проект по комплексному подбору кадров• Новость одной строкойСергей Климентьев и Любовь Таскаева обсудили помощь военнослужащим и их родным• Новость одной строкойПочти 47 тонн макулатуры собрали ямальцы в рамках всероссийской акции «БумБатл»• Новость одной строкойУже в следующем году пройти МРТ северяне смогут во всех ямальских городах• Новость одной строкойМолодежь Нового Уренгоя будет изготавливать на 3D-принтерах детали для дронов
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