Around the item of Korotchayevo there was an accident to a deadly outcome
On the 605th kilometer of the road Salekhard - Surgut, there was a head-on collision of KAMAZ and Toyota Land Cruiser cars. Distance from a fire brigade to a scene 34 kilometers. According to preliminary data as a result of road accident three passengers and the driver of a foreign car died on the spot.
Salekhard rescuers began operation on lifting of bodies of shift workers with a bottom of Ob
"Yamalspas's" Salekhard office began operation on lifting of bodies of shift workers of Sergey T. and Ramilya G., failed by truck under ice on February 22. In the same day morning flight Tyumen – Salekhard there arrived mother and the sister of one of victims. Now they in village hotel, in 5 km from a place of works. With them there are psychologists of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.
Yamal will keep the Arctic for descendants
Within carrying out All-comers competitions of reindeer breeders on the Cup of the governor of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Area, passing on March 1-4 in Nadym, the action "Will take place we will keep the Arctic for descendants! ". Organizers of an action will tell to the population about a role of the Arctic in global ecological equilibrium and influence of an ecological situation on health of the person.
In the Cisural area investigators find out circumstances of death of the people who have failed in the car under ice
At present by a consequence it is established that the column from five trucks belonging to the organization, moved forward at 16-30 o'clock from the city of Salekhard towards the village Yar-Sal. Approximately through one kilometer from that place where the column curtailed from the winter road, the truck, according to eyewitnesses of incident, without any inclinations for some seconds left under ice.
On Yamal the truck with shift workers failed under ice
Divers still didn't raise a body of victims, it is interfered by bad weather conditions. The column from five cars passed in 50 meters from the ice crossing located on the winter road of Aksark - Yar-Sal. During a crossing through Ob the truck in which there were two men failed and left under ice.
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