Works on search of victims in Ob are stopped

Works on search of victims in Ob are stopped
Today divers made two immersions during which surveyed a cabin, a river bed under the car and in a radius of 3-4 meters round it. Body of victim Sergey T. it wasn't succeeded to find in this connection the decision on the end of search works was made.

The day before – on March 11 – one of the involved divers with support of rescuers of GKU "Yamalspas" took a body of driver Ramil G. found during inspection of a cabin on March 7 from the car. Thus experts found out that the cabin is inclined forward and deformed, the hatch located in a roof of a cabin, is open, the windshield is beaten out.

Native Sergey T. all this time being in hotel of the settlement of Aksark, accompanied by psychologists of the Ministry of Emergency Situations visited a venue of search works after their termination. Tomorrow they take off for Tyumen.

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