The inhabitant Tazovsky has ordered drugs through the Internet
The investigatory department at ОВД on Tazovsky area takes to court criminal case on charge of the inhabitant of settlement which has received the drugs by mail ordered through the Internet.
Deadly cargo has come cash on delivery in the usual parcel post. Having paid the order, the young man has gone to the nearest shop where has been detained by police officers. At body search three packets are found out and withdrawn from it with a narcotic containing metamfetamin in weight of 2,5
Criminal case under the clause «Illegal acquisition and storage of narcotics without a sales objective, made in especially large size» is brought. Possible punishment is provided in the form of imprisonment for the term from five till 12 years and the penalty to 500 thousand roubles.
Deadly cargo has come cash on delivery in the usual parcel post. Having paid the order, the young man has gone to the nearest shop where has been detained by police officers. At body search three packets are found out and withdrawn from it with a narcotic containing metamfetamin in weight of 2,5
Criminal case under the clause «Illegal acquisition and storage of narcotics without a sales objective, made in especially large size» is brought. Possible punishment is provided in the form of imprisonment for the term from five till 12 years and the penalty to 500 thousand roubles.
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