Salekhard rescuers began operation on lifting of bodies of shift workers with a bottom of Ob

Salekhard rescuers began operation on lifting of bodies of shift workers with a bottom of Ob
"Yamalspas's" Salekhard office began operation on lifting of bodies of shift workers of Sergey T. and Ramilya G., failed by truck under ice on February 22.

"on March 6 rescuers carried out a preparatory work to immersion. Today on the street a minus 35 therefore it isn't known yet when divers will begin lifting of bodies" , – reported in state structure. As noted in the press service of GU of Emercom of Russia across Yamal, at 12 o'clock local time divers from Nadym carried out the first trial descents to water. In the same day morning flight Tyumen – Salekhard there arrived mother and the sister of one of victims. Now they in village hotel, in 5 km from a place of works. With them there are psychologists of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

The tragedy occurred in the evening on February 22, 2013 in 6 kilometers from Aksark's village of the Cisural area. The column from five trucks, moved forward at 16:30 from Salekhard towards the village Yar-Sal. In Aksark's village the car freely passed through a check point. Having passed 5-6 kilometers, cars curtailed from the winter road designated by milestones by road signs, and continued movement on the left side of the winter road in 50-70 meters parallel to it. Approximately through one kilometer from that place where the column curtailed from the winter road. Unexpectedly the Hola truck failed and some seconds later left under ice. The driver and the passenger didn't manage to get out of a cabin.

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