On Yamal the truck with shift workers failed under ice

Divers still didn't raise a body of victims, it is interfered by bad weather conditions
The tragedy occurred on February 22. The column from five cars passed in 50 meters from the ice crossing located on the winter road of Aksark - Yar-Sal. During a crossing through Ob the truck in which there were two men failed and left under ice.
Their bodies didn't lift still. Divers can't begin immersion because of bad weather conditions.
Aksark's winter road - Yar-Sal from 18:00 on February 21 it was closed for movement of all types of vehicles because of bad weather conditions. However people ran risks and left on a forbidden crossing.
Relatives of the drivers who have drowned on Yamal demand to raise bodies of victims from a bottom of Ob: "We appeared in information isolation. Everything that happened on "winter road", quickly there was secret …"
Relatives of residents of Tyumen of Sergey T. and Ramilya G., failed by truck under ice around a "winter road" check point at Aksarka on Yamal, look for witnesses of the tragedy. As transfers Znak.com, relatives by misfortune had to look for each other through social networks, to contact rescuers and to restore an event picture on February 22.
"We live in Tyumen and because we can't take off to the place of the tragedy, appeared in information isolation. Neither law-enforcement, nor the saving organizations don't inform us on a course of investigation of this case and People still don't inform of date of a raising of ph. are at the bottom of Ob. And there a rapid current also it is expensive every day – them can simply carry away a stream to the river. The main thing to get them now" , – relative Svetlana tells.
The sunk truck can't lift nearly a week. According to the official version, because of the incessant storm storming on Yamal. Air temperature doesn't rise there above a minus of 28-30 degrees, and works on lifting didn't start yet.
"Yamalspas" and the Ministries of Emergency Situations put forward three causes of failure to get bodies. It is a gale , absence of the admission at divers to such deep works: their qualification allows to fall by depth to 20 meters, and the truck lies approximately at a depth of 23 meters. The third reason – absence necessary for lifting of the car of the equipment .
Relatives according to scrappy information try to understand that occurred near Aksarka, and call several responsible for the tragedy.
"They say that because of a storm on February 22 the winter road was closed. But there costs a check point the person on which for some reason passed the whole column of cars. If it made it for money, this criminal case. Besides, general director of the Spetsstroyinvest company Alexey A. for some reason I refused to communicate and explain why representatives of its company meeting a column brought cars to dangerous ice. Now it in general almost didn't replace number of the cell phone that we to it any more didn't call" , – Svetlana speaks.
The general director State Unitary Enterprise Yamalavtodor Andrey Sh. became the only person who was punished for the tragedy on the winter road, He was dismissed from the position on February 25 in an emergency order by the first deputy governor of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Area. The reason – the inadequate maintenance of the winter road of Aksark – Salemal – Panayevsk – Yar-Sal.
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