On Yamal because of bad weather close winter roads

On Yamal because of bad weather close winter roads
The government of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Area notified inhabitants of the region on new restrictions of the message on winter highways. Movement is closed until further notice.

Movement for all means of transport is closed on February 26 on 3 winter roads: Лабытнанги – Muzhi – Azova – Tags, Aksarka – Salemal – Panayevsk – Yar-Sal and Salekhard – Nadym. The next deterioration of weather conditions – flaws to 15 meters per second and a severe snowstorm became the reason.

The intermunicipal winter road Urengoy – Krasnoselkup continues work in a regular mode.

The ice crossing through Ob on a route Salekhard – Labytnangi can maintain 20-ton cars, caterpillar transport weighing up to 30 tons. As for the cars transporting dangerous freights and demanding overlapping of movement, on a crossing transport weighing up to 25 tons is allowed. Through the river Nadym, on PMP, can pass cars with a lump up to 30 tons.

Let's remind that on February 22 on Yamal storm warning was declared. As "URFO Truth" earlier wrote, because of a heavy wind traffic on Aksark's routes – Salemal – Panayevsk – Yar-Sal and Salekhard – Nadym was blocked off.

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