In January, 2013 on Yamal will earn four more winter roads

In January, 2013 on Yamal will earn four more winter roads
Since January on Yamal automobile movement on four winter roads opens, report in the press service of district department of transport and road economy. Since January first there will begin work the winter road Novy Urengoy - Krasnoselkup.

Since January 15 opening of the winter road in the direction Salekhard - Nadym is planned. Its extent is equal to 297 kilometers. Arrangement of two other winter roads: Aksarka - Salemal - Panayevsk - Yar-Sal (178 kilometers) and Labytnangi - Muzhi - Azova - Tags (314 kilometers) will end by January 10.

Let's note, work on improvement of winter roads begins not earlier than that time when snow cover will reach 20 centimeters, and thickness of ice will allow to sustain heavy road-building cars.

Arrangement of winter roads includes determination of loading capacity, speed of movement of cars, distances between them. Drivers learn this information on the established road signs.

The established width of the winter road, as a rule, not less than 6 meters. Admissible speed of movement - no more than 50 kilometers per hour, a maximum load - 25 tons. In addition, through each 500 meters traveling for cars is provided.

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