In the Cisural area investigators find out circumstances of death of the people who have failed in the car under ice

In the Cisural area investigators find out circumstances of death of the people who have failed in the car under ice
On February 22, 2013 in the evening in 6 kilometers from Aksark's village of the Cisural area under ice the car therefore the driver and the passenger was lost failed. As transfers Labytnangsky interdistrict investigative department of investigative management of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Area of this fact pre-investigation check is begun.

At present by a consequence it is established that the column from five trucks belonging to the organization, moved forward at 16-30 o'clock from the city of Salekhard towards the village Yar-Sal. At journey through a check point in Aksark's village of obstacles from the person on duty to them it wasn't rendered. Having passed 5-6 kilometers, cars curtailed from the winter road designated by milestones by road signs, and continued movement on the left side of the winter road in 50-70 meters parallel to it. Approximately through one kilometer from that place where the column curtailed from the winter road, the truck, according to eyewitnesses of incident, without any inclinations for some seconds left under ice. The driver and the passenger didn't manage to get out of a cabin.

Now on this incident pre-investigation check by investigative task force as a part of investigators of investigative department and employees of OMVD of Russia on the Cisural area is conducted. By results of check the procedural decision will be made.

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