The Yamal winter roads "kill" heavy trucks

The Yamal winter roads "kill" heavy trucks
Road builders should restore snow and ice routes regularly.

Winter roads in the Arctic region strongly suffer from tractors. After pass of such cars as KAMAZ or "Urals" on pieces of a route of the winter road Labytnangi - Muzhi - Azova - Tags, the staff of contract organization State Unitary Enterprise Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Area Yamalavtodor clears away roads, cut off hillocks and fill up being formed hollows.

There is it because truckers prefer to go to round weight on a check point, from Labytnangi where for excess of load of one axis of the vehicle employees of weight control together with traffic police have the right to stop them. In case of violation the car inspector writes out a penalty, and on a check point the relevant act is made out.

"The amount of monetary punishment depends on the exceeded weight and the passable kilometers", - the deputy director of road management of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Area Andrey Borisov explains.

Thus in case of lack of point of weight control persons on duty on a check point and GAI officers have no right to interfere with journey of "heavyweights". Observers of the law only for violation of traffic regulations can write out a penalty on the winter road. Finally, the winter highway is considered "temporary", and the contract organization is engaged in its contents. The only seasonal route on which "Yamalavtodor" provides conditions for weight control, is an ice crossing through Ob between the cities of Salekhard and Labytnangi.

Other roads are protected by the state. For preservation of their cloth from heavy trucks of traffic police and "весовики" systematically check motor transport.

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