In Noyabrsk the teenager jumped off from a viewing tower

On February 18, 2013 in the city of Noyabrsk at night near a viewing tower down the street Enthusiasts the body of the 16-year-old teenager is revealed. On this fact the investigative department on Noyabrsk investigative management of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation across the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Area makes pre-investigation inspection.
Previously it is established that on February 17 the pupil of the 9th class left in the afternoon the house, previously having told to parents that went to a hairdressing salon. It with itself(himself) didn't take the cell phone. It is seen this fact I guarded parents and they, some hours later, without having opportunity to contact the son, and to learn where it is, addressed in police. After detection of a body of the victim by investigators the video which has imprinted as the teenager on evening was received approached to a viewing tower, sat some time near it, and then climbed on 25-meter height and in 4 hours rushed down.
On a pre-trial detention of experts, the death of the boy came from multiple traumas, incompatible with life, received when falling from height. The consequence considers various versions of an event, including a suicide. Schoolmates of the victim, the teacher and parents are interrogated. By results of check the procedural decision will be made.
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