Pangoda "I am the chief of police, and you a sh#t"

Pangoda "I am the chief of police, and you a sh#t"
The chief of Pangodinsky settlement department of police of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Area became the person involved in criminal case after in office beat the detainee.
Concerning the chief of police criminal case upon excess of powers of office is brought.

Investigation of the conflict to participation of the chief of police at the highest level began after the video got to a network with record of fight. In the person striking blows the chief of office of police of Pangoda is guessed. "During the held expeditious events by Nadym interdistrict investigative department together with the staff of FSB of Russia across the Tyumen region it was established that the chief of Pangodinsky settlement department of police of the Nadym area, being in premises of department, I applied violence concerning the citizen with whom earlier it had a conflict" , – confirmed reliability of video in investigative committee.

According to LifeNews, the conflict occurred in Sirius club in a hall for game in bowling. On the next paths two companies had a rest: on one – traveling gas workers, on another – the chief of local police with the acquaintances. During game between men there was a conflict. Polkivnik made scandal, and both companies moved to a smoking-room where fight began. Staff of club caused into place police, but it didn't stop the chief of police. The colonel ordered to police officers to detain two gas workers. Men put on handcuffs and brought to police department. There, according to the version of the investigation, the chief of police chained one of detainees handcuffs to the battery and cruelly beat. Now the colonel is in holiday.

A few days ago in management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation across the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Area declared that after an exit from holiday he will be dismissed. It is remarkable that with record of the conflict to participation of the police officer users of a network saw the video just now whereas the press service of a district central board last week declared its emergence on the Internet. The truth then to concretize the short message of the press service at mass media it didn't turn out – a roller if it was laid out in a network, wasn't found, and police officers didn't begin to open neither names of participants, nor the settlement name.

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