On Yamal spouses accuse of "employment" of prostitutes

In the city of Muravlenko criminal case concerning a group of persons, organised employment by prostitution is investigated, Larissa Eropkina has informed the senior assistant to the chief of the department on communications with mass-media.

After at investigation of the given criminal case by investigatory department at ОВД on Muravlenko an established fact of participation in fulfilment of the given crime of the person which at the moment of commission of crime was the police officer, the public prosecutor of the city of Muravlenko the decision on withdrawal of criminal case at the inspector of militia and its transfer for the organisation of preliminary investigation in bodies SKP of the Russian Federation was accepted.

It is established that the married couple in time since summer of 2008 till February, 2010 on a city territory of Muravlenko has organised a brothel for employment by prostitution. For functioning of a brothel of the spouse rented apartment. With a view of attraction of girls to employment by prostitution, suspects left on territory of Tatarstan and Sverdlovsk area, it promised comfortable conditions of residing and high payment, therefore girls willingly agreed.

However as soon as they appeared in a brothel, for failure to meet requirements of organizers of their activity to girls physical strength, or threats of its application was applied, for the slightest offence of the girl were assessed with penal sanctions. Thus, practically all money resources earned by prostitutes left on payment of penalties.

To the police officer it was assigned a part the security guard as he solved all arising problems with clients and covered work of a brothel from law enforcement bodies. He was engaged in transportation of girls from their native land motor transport as some of them did not have passports, on the journey it used the business card, therefore its car and its passengers, never on a line checks were exposed.

Now investigatory actions and the operatively-search actions directed on an establishment of all girls working in brothel and witnesses are spent. Criminal case investigation proceeds.

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