To organizers of criminal business bills of particulars are confirmed

To organizers of criminal business bills of particulars are confirmed
Fulfilling duties of the public prosecutor of a city of Noyabrsk bills of particulars on criminal cases concerning two local residents accused in involving in employment by prostitution of others by persons are confirmed

By investigation it is established that they have suggested familiar girls to be engaged in prostitution in the city territory of Noyabrsk. Organizers of criminal business have provided with it search of clients, conditions for apartments and delivery to clients, and also advertizing rendered «intimate services». To "Employees" time of "work" from 19 o'clock in the evening to 7 o'clock in the morning has been established. They took away half of received money resources to themselves.

After the statement of the bill of particulars criminal case is directed by Office of Public Prosecutor for consideration in essence to court which will define a measure of responsibility of the accused.

For a criminal conduct it are threatened with punishment in a kind the penalty at the rate from hundred thousand to five hundred thousand roubles or at a rate of a salary or other income condemned for the period from one year till three years or imprisonment for the term up to five years.

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