SKP inspects upon destruction at a fire of two persons on Yamal

In settlement Korotchaevo there was a fire, the 6-year-old boy and its grandfather were lost, check is spent, has informed the senior assistant to the chief of the department
On communications with mass-media Larissa Eropkina.

On March, 23rd, 2010 in settlement Korotchaevo in one of apartments of the one-storeyed wooden house on street of 60 years of the Victory there was an ignition. During fire liquidation the body of the 6-year-old child was revealed, also in this apartment rescuers have found out the elderly man of 1943 of a birth who has died in an ambulance car at performance actions.

On the given fact the investigatory department on a city to New Urengoju of investigatory management of Investigatory committee at Office of Public Prosecutor of the Russian Federation on Yamal-Nenets autonomous region spends check.

During check circumstances of incident will be established. By its results the inspector the remedial decision will be accepted.

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