The grandson has found a tomb of the grandfather later 67 years
Yamalmen has found a tomb of the grandfather-front-line soldier in St.-Petersburg.
The inhabitant of Yamal-Nenets autonomous region Evgenie Purunguj has begun more one and a half years ago search of the data about time and a place of destruction of the grandfather. It has been as a result established that Nordiko Purunguj, 1923 of a birth, the native of village Vanujto of Nadym area JANAO has been called in May, 1942.
Last place of service — the private soldier 104 shooting regiments 62 shooting divisions which participated in defence of Leningrad. N.Purunguj in hospital from the received wounds has died on March, 4th, 1943 and on March, 8th, 1943 has been buried on the Piskarevsky memorial cemetery.
Assistance and the help to Evgenie in a sacred debt — to find a tomb of the grandfather — employees of the Yamal representation in Northern capital have rendered.
Evgenie has visited on a tomb of the grandfather on March, 9th. So it has turned out that is equal in 67 years the grandson has found a tomb of the grandfather, — the press-service of the governor of Yamal informs.
The inhabitant of Yamal-Nenets autonomous region Evgenie Purunguj has begun more one and a half years ago search of the data about time and a place of destruction of the grandfather. It has been as a result established that Nordiko Purunguj, 1923 of a birth, the native of village Vanujto of Nadym area JANAO has been called in May, 1942.
Last place of service — the private soldier 104 shooting regiments 62 shooting divisions which participated in defence of Leningrad. N.Purunguj in hospital from the received wounds has died on March, 4th, 1943 and on March, 8th, 1943 has been buried on the Piskarevsky memorial cemetery.
Assistance and the help to Evgenie in a sacred debt — to find a tomb of the grandfather — employees of the Yamal representation in Northern capital have rendered.
Evgenie has visited on a tomb of the grandfather on March, 9th. So it has turned out that is equal in 67 years the grandson has found a tomb of the grandfather, — the press-service of the governor of Yamal informs.
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