Yamal will keep the Arctic for descendants

Yamal will keep the Arctic for descendants
Within carrying out All-comers competitions of reindeer breeders on the Cup of the governor of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Area, passing on March 1-4 in Nadym, the action "Will take place we will keep the Arctic for descendants! ". Organizers of an action will tell to the population about a role of the Arctic in global ecological equilibrium and influence of an ecological situation on health of the person.

All-comers competitions of reindeer breeders on the Cup of the governor of Yamal, besides sports, include also a cultural and entertaining component. GKU Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Area "Scientific center of studying of the Arctic" and management for youth and tourism of administration of the Nadym area will be engaged in ecological education of residents of Nadym. In the materials prepared by them - presentations, the commercial, brochures and booklets - is narrated about impact of environment on human health, advice on counteraction to negative factors is given. Questions of ecology of the dwelling didn't remain unaddressed also.

Experts of sector of ecological researches of Scientific center of studying of the Arctic intend to interview also on the relation of inhabitants to environmental problems, a state of environment. Results of this research will be considered when forming the plan of work of local scientists, and also become important part of researches of ecologists of the Center of studying of the Arctic. Recently they started creation of regional model of the medico-environmental monitoring intended for supervision over an ecological situation and forecasting of threats to health of the population.

The action organically is entered in the Concept of 2013 declared on Yamal on Year of a narodosberezheniye, and at the All-Russian level - Year of environmental protection.

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