Days of reindeer breeders started in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Area
On Yamal traditional days of reindeer breeders began. They will last prior to the beginning of May. The first the staff of the municipal reindeer-breeding enterprise "Panayevskoye" today will celebrate the main holiday, whose herds are in the Nadym area.
The center of celebrations in the district it becomes traditional the city of Nadym where from March 2 to March 3 will pass competitions of reindeer breeders on the Cup of Governor Yamalo-of the Nenets Autonomous Area. Traditionally in the program of competitions - races on cervine and dogsleds, a throwing тынзяна on a trochee, national fight, jumps through sledge, a threefold national jump, stick pulling, ski relay. Also participants of celebrations are waited by the extensive cultural program including the Nenets national holiday of "This Hayerako" ("heart the sun") ". Hayerako Seius" is one of the main holidays for the Nenets people. It is considered what exactly with this day after long winter polar nights comes to the tundra the real, big sun.
In Day of the reindeer breeder in the capital of Yamal - Salekhard which will take place on March 30, will pass also the VII congress of indigenous people of the North, Siberia and the Far East. Organizers of congress assume that part in action will be taken by about 600 people, including delegates of regions, representatives of federal and regional authorities. The foreign guests representing such structures as to the UN, the Arctic Council, the Arctic native organizations are expected also. Also part in Congress will be taken by scientists, experts, public figures and representatives of mass media.
And picturesque regional "meetings" of reindeer breeders will be not less saturated also. On March 15-17 in Tazovsky reindeer-breeding crews and the families wandering on routes of a pasture of deer on the Tazovsky peninsula will gather. Great interest caused the proposal of the director of regional museum of local lore of Roman Berladin to hold on ice the real Nenets wedding, as well as it is necessary, with all ceremonies and traditions. Organizers keep all subtleties of the forthcoming ceremony a big secret. On March 23-24 the holiday will pass in Muzhakh and in Novy Urengoy, on March 30 in Krasnoselkup, on April 5-7 in Yar-Sal and Aksarka, on April 6 in Tarko-Sal. Celebrations on a trading station Tambey will come to the end on May 4.
The first days of a holiday are traditionally devoted to the solution of private matters of reindeer breeders, paperwork, providing social payments to the tundra population. Special attention will pay to medical examination of children and adults.
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