Gazprom will construct scientific center on Yamal
The Siberian office of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science) and "Gazprom" intend to create in 2013 large scientific center in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Area, the vice-chairman of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science, the director of institute of oil and gas geology and name A.A geophysics transfers. Trofimuka Mikhail Epov.
The Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Area occupies one of leading places in Russia on stocks of oil and natural gas. The state balance considers more than 130 fields of hydrocarbons in the region. Staff of future scientific center on Yamal will solve generally applied problems.
"New scientific center will solve those problems which "Gazprom" considers prime. These are the tasks connected with additional geological studying of a structure on Yamal to define prospects of further gas production. The second — is the works connected with the Arctic shelf on the Kara Sea and the Laptev Sea — they are aimed at farther prospect. Also the questions connected with a condition of permafrost, with stability of railroad tracks, automobile routes in the conditions of changing climate. And there are a lot of other questions. Including the medicobiological questions connected with work and life of people in these quite extreme conditions" — were told by Epov.
Besides, it is planned to study history and culture of the small people of the North, questions of preservation of their traditional way in the conditions of the increased rates of industrialization of this edge.
According to Epov, scientific center on Yamal will be complex — for the decision not only technological, but also social and economic problems.
"There after all there are also the problems connected with water use — there is no clear water. There is a problem of development of agriculture in the south of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Area. Now all food there are delivered — these are considerable transportation costs. Also the task in the south of the Yamal district is set to revive agriculture, first of all animal husbandry. In a word, there is a lot of tasks, plans there is a lot of" — Epov noted.
Now the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science prepares a scientific landing which next year will go to work to Salekhard, an administrative center of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Area. It is planned that in 2013 in new scientific center about 120 scientists will work, within the next several years number has to increase to 300 people.
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