Yamal for scientific maintenance of all projects in the Arctic

Yamal for scientific maintenance of all projects in the Arctic
Within the International scientific and practical conference on studying and preservation of a snowy owl which takes place in Salekhard, on the eve of its participants worked in "field". With weather which on Far North differs extreme variability, to scientists from France, Canada, Sweden, Norway, Germany, Russia it was lucky not really – in the tundra of the Cisural area where expedition went, dense fog lay. But Alexander Sokolov, the deputy director of NIS of Institute of plant ecology and animals URANIUM, noted that Yamal in any weather – an ideal place for carrying out researches: "There is a forest-tundra zone, a zone of the shrubby tundra, typically Arctic. It isn't enough places in the Arctic where we can observe such correct alternation of these zones of identical width".

The researcher from Greenland Olivier Guilg didn't hide delight from seen in the Russian Arctic. It is echoed also by Gustav Wiklund – the project manager of GREA who with pleasure communicated with aboriginals of the Yamal tundra – reindeer breeders.

Yamal for scientific maintenance of all projects in the Arctic

We will remind, the International scientific and practical conference on studying and preservation of a snowy owl is organized in the capital of Yamal with department support on science and innovations of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Area, department of the international and foreign economic relations of the district and Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Area. The forum purpose – an exchange of the new data received at studying of populations of a snowy owl in recent years in the Arctic, for society drawing attention to problems of preservation of rare species of animals and the birds living on Far North. Already in the first days of work scientists came to a conclusion that a situation with a number of a snowy owl the disturbing. Grenlandtsev disturbs reduction, Canadians – influence on quantitative structure of a bird of thawing of ices. They are additional arguments in favor of scientific justification of occurrence into high widths which so persistently in recent years declares Yamal.

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