To attention of users of an ice crossing through Ob

To attention of users of an ice crossing through Ob
Due to the carrying out repair work, load of a crossing between Salekhard and Labytnangi decreased to 25 tons. The team of road builders fills in the cracks formed in a cloth. For caterpillar transport restrictions are also provided: such vehicles are passed on a route in a single order for ensuring safe journey.

On ice and pontoon crossings through the river Nadym the tonnage to 30 tons is established. The winter road "Aksark – Salemal – Panayevsk – Yar-Sal" will be able to pass wheel vehicles weighing up to 30 tons, caterpillar to 45 tons. On the winter road "Labytnangi – Muzhi – Azova – Tags" the admissible tonnage – to 30 tons.

To attention of users of an ice crossing through Ob

On winter roads "Urengoy – Krasnoselkup" and "Nadym-Salekhard" a situation while without changes. Bezopasny Drive on these routes is provided for a car of the increased passability taking into account that the mass of the vehicle won't exceed 25 tons. Road services aren't tired to remind that for bigger safety on the winter road nevertheless it is worth leaving in a column 3-4 cars.

We will remind that this year road builders control winter roads also by means of uniform dispatching service. So, travelers on the winter road or relatives of travelers can call according to numbers 8-902-827-73-81 (round-the-clock) and 8 (34922) 4-03-90 (in working hours) and to receive information on the vehicle, weather on the winter road, a condition of the highway. Certainly, information on the car will be received by dispatchers if the car owner is registered on a winter road check point.

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